Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Lesson in Action and Reaction

Recently we had to have a little scientific discussion with Jefferson due to an unfortunate event. He was playing at his cousin's house and decided it would be fun to push the swings. No problem, right? Well.......

Here he is pushing the red swing.....

Then pushing the tetter-totter.....

Whoa, hello, didn't realize that they would be coming back. The red swing smacked him in the head on it's way back and gave Jeffers a nice little bruise.

Maybe it's better to just push one swing at a time.

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  1. I can't say that's funny, because that would be mean. But it made me laugh :-). Gotta learn somehow I guess.

  2. Elyse has had to learn that lesson over and over again as well. I guess I should say, she hasn't really learned it yet, since it just keeps on happening!

  3. I love that the action sequence is documented!
