Three of my brother's children helping to make a pinata for a gathering of my mom's family. No final picture because let's face it, it wasn't all that great. I blame the poor structure on pregnancy brain. Plus, the kids liked it and just wanted the candy, so all was well. It was an ice cream cone, by the way. Pinatas are very easy to make, and really fun for kids to help with.
We went bowling. And I realized that being hugely pregnant and bowling do not go hand in hand. My five year niece beat me. Seriously, your whole center of gravity is off and I think I pulled butt muscles. We'll have to see if my theory holds true when I am no longer pregnant. Brynna still might beat me.
Go Dad Go!!
There was golf...a lot of golf.. at least for my brother, but also my dad, sister Kelli, and Jeff's boys Keyan and Tracen. For the others there were manicures and pedicures. My toes have never looked so pretty!! And there was a lot of water fights going on. Jefferson always seemed to be soaking wet some how. Oh yeah, it's because he figured out how to turn on the sprinklers by himself. Atleast he had fun!! Although Tracen might disagree, due to the fact that he got soaked while jumping on the trampoline and got blindsided by sprinklers when Jefferson decided it was time to turn them on.
A little fun on the Carousel. Jefferson was upset because he only got to ride one animal. He wanted to go back and ride the tiger and the zebra as well.
A little BBQ fun. Jason made homemade rootbeer, which tasted really good, but kind of freaked me out because it wasn't brown. We had hot dogs and hamburgers and all that good stuff. We had lots of fun with the smores. Really good times.
My lovely sister Vanna, I mean Kelli, demonstrating the deliciousness that is the gigantic Campfire marshmallow.
Jason and Jefferson both look very, very happy and content in the campfire picture.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it is so neat to have all of the cousins together. So, so neat.