Addison is officially 3 months old today. I can't believe that the time has gone so fast. She is such a fabulous baby, I can't even express how great she is and how much we love her. She is smiling and laughing and babbling tons now. Although she will do these things more with Jason than she will with me. I am totally okay with that. I love that already she has a strong love for her daddy. He wanted a daddy's girl and now he has one. I think a lot of it is that she loves his voice. For the last few months of pregnancy we were really good about reading chapter books aloud together-me, Jason, Jefferson, and baby-so she would really know Jason once she was born. It makes my heart melt to see them together. On Sunday in Relief Society I was sitting next to an older lady that Jason home teaches and we started singing the opening song, when all of the sudden to turns to me with a fearful look in her eyes and asks, "Where's your baby?" I chuckled and replied, "Oh, Jason has her. He really wanted to take her today." Then she started laughing and said, "Ohhhhh, that is just so cute." I completely agree.

Maybe, eventually we will have a green eyed baby, but for now the blue eyes are winning out. That's okay because they are just beautiful and let us know that our kids are a good mix of the two of us. Addison really looks a lot like Jefferson did as a baby, but in a more feminine, delicate way. I happen to think she is gorgeous-no bias here.
I tried to get her to smile for the camera to show off her too cute dimples, but it was too distracting for her, so instead I got this weirdy face.

Among other things Addison really sleeps through the night. AND.I.LOVE.IT!! She really only fusses when she is hungry or really tired and Jefferson won't let her sleep. He is very protective lately. He'll tell me when she needs a diaper change, or when she needs to be moved or fed, or when she is crying and needs to be picked up. It is fun watching their relationship grow. Addison prefers to be sitting up instead of laying down and squirms like crazy. She is a mover and a shaker. She'll need to be to keep up with her brother.

So far I have lost 31 of the 40 pounds I gained. Some of this is due to the fact that Addi still eats about every two hours except at night. But these last pounds aren't budging. I broke my tail bone during labor and it is slow to heal and exercising makes it hurt. I'll run 3.5 miles and feel so good and motivated and then the next two days it's hard to sit down. It's one step forward, two steps back, but I'll get there eventually. Life is good!! My kids are beautiful and so much fun and I have a fantastic husband and I can't believe that I am so blessed. Hopefully I can be a good enough mom and wife so I can feel like I deserve such greatness in my family.
She is so beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteShe is really beautiful. And congrats on the weight loss! It is so tough to lose those last 10 pounds while you are nursing. My body just would NOT do it... But thank heavens she sleeps through the night. That is the best, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteCute hairbow! I love Addison's beautiful eyelashes and delicate smile. I was missing you all and thought I would check out your blog =)