Sunday, June 5, 2011

Baby @ 32 weeks 4 days

This past week at my doctors appointment we got to take a little peek at our little girl. Sooooo cute. I am curious though, because at the 20 week ultrasound she had my nose, as did the two boys, but in this picture she looks like she has Jason's nose. So, I guess we will find out in a little while whose nose she has. She is definitly a mover and a shaker. It comforts me though, instead of annoying me. It lets me know she is doing good and having fun it there. We'll see how the next seven weeks go as she steadily gets bigger.

Peacefully sleeping

And this is what I like to call her Bitter Beer face. I think the doctor caught her just as she was taking a drink or something. Kind of funny. He saw that one and said, "That's not a good one, lets get another." Funny!! She just takes after her cousin Ada. J/K Beth! I don't think it looks that bad. Just funny.

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  1. Aren't sonograms amazing?! I'm so glad your little one is doing well. Can't wait to see what she looks like when she's born!!!

  2. Very interesting and exciting. We all can see a little personality all ready. Your sister Sandra does not care for the 3-D picture look. It makes everything look "so real"! Well, isn't that what we are striving for? Sonograms really bring everything in to perspective. That's my grand baby girl! Exciting!
