Thursday, June 9, 2011

Perfect Days and Side Projects

Last week Jefferson and I had a really perfect day. It was the first official day of school out and even though Jeffers is not in school we thought it would be fun to mark the day. The morning was gorgeous. It wasn't too hot and there was a nice breeze, plus I felt like I had a lot of energy. With that, we set off to the park at 9:00. We were the only ones there and Jefferson had a blast going up and down, up and down, up and down the slides. He was positively giddy. I love seeing him so happy and full of laughter. After the park we walked to main street and dropped off a little project I have been working on to be laminated and then we headed to the library.

Seriously, Jefferson asks to go to the library almost every day. It makes my mother heart so happy. He did great. Not once did he get possessive of the alphabet puzzle (he thinks it's his) and he played with the other kids nicely, and helped me pick out books (monster books, ofcourse). He didn't put up a fuss when it was time to head home and hour latter and happily carried his favorite monster book the whole way home. We stopped back off to pick up my project and then began the journey home, which took us past the Brigham City Temple that is being built.

This was the coolest part. They have started putting up the paneling on the outside so it really looks like a Temple. When we were walking past I noticed that there were quite a few people standing around with cameras. Not too many, but enough for me to wonder if something was going on. I kept walking because it was lunch time and nap time, but as I got to the corner I heard a loud horn and then saw a crane moving. So we turned around and...... I realized what everyone was waiting to see. Jefferson and I got to witness the raising of the block that sits at the top of the Temple bearing it's purpose: Holiness to the Lord, The House of the Lord. In that moment I was filled with the Spirit and I can't wait until the Temple is completed. It will be such a blessing to those in this city. Onward home we went with a new spring in out steps thanking the Lord for out good timing. And a fabulous day.

The Project:

At the start of every year I go through our church magazines. We only keep the conference issues and it would break my heart to get rid of all the other ones, especially with all their beautiful art. So I decided to go through and cut out the pictures that I loved and really could be a teaching tool. I started making church books. I would go through the scriptures of the children's hymn book and find things to put alongside the pictures. It really is great becuase it opens the door to so many stories and principles that just don't come up all that often. It takes a little time, but I always love the finished product.

You're already paying for the magzines so, really, you are getting a customized church book for the price of laminating ( I use the good sturdy stuff).

And I don't feel that the stories or principles are complicated when I use children's song lyrics or simple scriptures to tell the story.

Plus, the artwork is just beautiful and even if that is all Jefferson notices, I think the spirit will take care of the rest. So fun and easy. Try It!! I relearn stories at the same time so I feel that I am bettering myself as well as trying to teach Jefferson.

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  1. What a great idea! I'll keep that in mind- I feel awful tossing church magazines, too!

  2. Well, you do know that the next time I am your way I will want to see this project. Also, Grandma Thomas (me), never, never tosses her church magazines . . . so never fear you will always have access if you need it. (Yes, yes I know they are all on-line -- but, the hard copies are very dear to my heart.) You can all do what you want with them after I pass. I am sure my hoarding is part of the reason my son Jason feels so strongly to "clean house" yearly and toss them. Never fear . . . his mother has all copies intact!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I do believe that the angels in heaven (perhaps baby James, sister-in-law Sara, grandmothers-in-law Marlene and Alice, your grandparents &/or others) arranged for you and Jefferson to pass by the Brigham City temple on this day, at this hour, at this very horn blowing time. Without even knowing it you were following the spirit. What a blessing for you and Jefferson to have such a special experience on this day!
