Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dinosaur Park!!

On Jason's day off last week we decided to take Jefferson to the George S. Eccles Dinosaur Park in Ogden. Oh my heavens, if your kids are the least bit interested in dinos and you are anywhere close, I urge you to go. It is sooo fun and absolutely cool. We could have spent hours there. There is the outside park and there is a two story museum. So much to see and do.

Jefferson loves dinosaurs, but he was freaked out a little bit at first. The dinosaurs outside are to scale and I don't think he realized just how big dinos really are. We had to keep telling him that they weren't real-hence, the picture of us breaking the rules and letting him touch his favorite- the Triceratops. It didn't really help that the first dino you encounter out of the doors after paying is the huge T-rex (remember-to scale) and in front of him is his bloodied lunch waiting to be eaten- oh, and the park has dino noises piped in surround sound. He was just waiting for that T-rex to move and eat him. The look on his face was pretty comical, but it didn't take long for him to calm down and start running all over the place.

The favorite. It was so neat to see so many different dinosaurs and their varying sizes.

You can tell how huge this one is by seeing Jason and Jefferson underneath trying to touch it's belly. SO big, they had to make this one a tunnel.

To give the kids a rest they have a playground area. It too is full of dinosaurs. The slides, swings, climbing dome, etc.- all dino stuff. Really nice.

Also, one of the really cool things is that at the back of the park there is a education center. We stopped in there so I could rest a little and cool off. They have coloring pages, puzzles, books, etc. But the coolest thing is this wall. It is covered in wooden dino bones that are velcroed to the wall, so kids can pull them off the wall and build their own dinosaur. Jefferson had such a blast. And to be honest- so did Jason. They each built a dinosaur.

Building his dino!

They also have fun little things along the walk ways. Photo ops, dinosuar footprints, sand to dig and dust for dino fossils, etc. Jefferson just loved running around and finding all the different things.

The stegosaurus is his second favorite.

Once you're finally done outside you can go into the museum. That is where you will find the fossils and pictures and stuff. They had some animatronics upstairs, but they were too life like for the Jeff-man. Once the T-rex turned it's head toward him and roared- Jefferson was DONE!

So, I knew there were wolly mammoths, but did you know there were wolly rhinos? UGLY!

Jefferson talked about this place for days. We will definitly have to go back!

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1 comment:

  1. Grandma & Grandpa Thomas would love to take the grandchildren here sometime when we are up that way. Looks like lots & lots of fun!
