Thursday, July 21, 2011

Shes's Here!!!

She's HERE!!!!!!

July 20th, 2011

Addison Claire Thomas

6 lbs. 15.8 oz.

21 inches

Here's a few pictures to wet your appetite and tomorrow I will post some more with the birth story. I will say that it went very well and I am doing great and so is Addi.

You can see that Jefferson was much more interested in "real" tv than in the baby. Such a funny kid, although once we got home he started calling her a monster. These next few days should prove interesting.

Sweet Baby!!

Sleeping with arms out just like dad and brother.

All snuggly!!

And yes, she does have hair. Yeahh!!

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  1. She is really beautiful. Such a sweet little newborn! Glad to hear you all are doing well.

  2. She is adorable! The pictures are beautiful! So the T-shirt stands for Mountain View Hospital there in Brigham City?

  3. What a nice picture of baby Addison Claire with her grandmother Margie Dixon!

  4. Addison Claire Thomas is the 8th grandchild for us! Now we (Jim & Marla)have more grandchildren than we have had children!

  5. Congratulations! She is adorable! And I love her name.

  6. Watch for a Priority Mail package which is in a pink with hearts package. Addison is Tutu Cute!

  7. She is BEAUTIFUL!! Congratulations!! We are so happy everything went well. Love her name by the way.
