I went to my 39 week appointment on the 18th and was pleasantly surprised that things were progressing along very nicely, so I was a little surprised when my doctor asked if I wanted to have a baby on that Wednesday. It didn't take me very long to say, "Well, sure". You see, I think my doctor knows my state of mind very well. I have been quite nervous about going into labor after what happened with James, so I think for my peace of mind and his as well, he wanted to induce me so they could track every thing that was going on the whole time. Let me tell you, I was glued to Addison's heart monitor. I had Jason keep turning it up so I could always hear it. Things went very well and I am so grateful to have this little bundle of girlishness in our home.

Jason and I headed to the hospital very early Wednesday morning leaving Jefferson with my mom. (Thanks Mom!!!!) At 6:15 they started me on a small amount of pitocin to get some stronger contractions going ( I was already having some, but didn't even realize it). At 7:15 my doctor broke my water and let things get going. You know, I have been potty trained for quite some time now, so it was not fun to continually have fluid just randomly coming out. Sorry if that was TMI. Any way, Things were going well, I was watching TV, relaxing, breathing through the increasingly difficult contractions and around 1:30 I was feeling a lot of pressure and was at a 6+ so I got an epidural. I am proud I lasted that long because Addison's head was faced the wrong way making things a little harder. So, the epidural worked okay. It mostly just numbed my legs, but not the contractions. I got about an hour and fifteen minutes of rest and then the nurse emptied my bladder and HELLO... massive pains. She checked me right before and said I was at an 8 and it would probably be another hour, but 10 minutes later I made Jason go get her because it was bad. She came and I was complete. Only problem was that my doctor was doing a procedure in the office across the way. She told me not to push and he would hurry. Well, 30 minutes later, just as I was about to cry he came running in and two contractions later we had our sweet Addison without tearing or struggling and at the last minute she turned her head to face the right way, so it was perfect.
Recovery has been really good. Jefferson is adjusting okay. He has his moments where he doesn't understand why I can't just get up and do something with him or for him. He trys to push Addison's head away while I'm nursing if he really wants something, but he's getting better. If you have any tips that would help send them my way. Thank you for all the well wishes!!
She is so beautiful! That is probably the best induced labor story I've ever heard- so glad everything went well for you! You're making me all the more excited for the day when we get to hold our baby girl!
ReplyDeleteCongrats!! Glad everything went well. One thing that worked for me was to have a "nursing bag" (I put random toys, fruit snacks, stickers, even cool band aids in it) right with me whenever I nursed. It helped to give the other one some attention. Anyway, good luck!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Your mother did such a good job explaining your experience of Addison's birth to me (the other grandmother) when I called that night. This story you have posted is like "old news" to me and it is so congruent with her recount. Margie did a good job explaining. I really appreciated that because I am so far away. LOVE FROM JASON'S MOM! XOXOXOX!
ReplyDeleteAnd, of course, this grandmother says "It is time to post a picture of Jason with his brand new baby girl!" I am patiently waiting!