Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My First Sunday

Addison and I got to go to church on Sunday. Granted, we only went to sacrament, but that was better than nothing to me. I really have a hard time missing church, so it was good to get out and go. Jason decided that he needed to have a little photo shoot of her first Sunday. If you ask me, Jason is smitten. And he might deny it, but I think he secretly loves the hair bows and dresses. It is hard to dress this girl, because she is too long for newborn clothes, but she is way too skinny for 0-3 clothes, hence the onesie underneath her dress. At her two week check up she had gained 3/4 lb. and grown 1/2 in. It's funny because for weight she is in the 33%, but for height she's in the 84%. Can we say "basketball". I see a power forward in her future.

Any way, here are the pictures of our lovely lady!

She just melts my heart!

With all her eating she is starting to get chubbs in the face- cracks me up.

She loves to stretch out while sleeping, just like Daddy and Jefferson.

I think she looks a lot more like Jason than Jefferson did.

Proud Daddy!!
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  1. Addison is beautiful!! Congratulations! Glad everything went smoothly with her delivery.

  2. Yeah! Daddy and Addison . . . Yeah!

  3. The black & white full frontal picture of her sleeping (2nd one down) really shows her facial features. Yes, I can tell she is Jefferson's sister with similar; but, softer features. Beautiful!
