Sunday, April 29, 2012

Doctors Appointments

So, this past week we had Jefferson's 4 year check up and Addison's 9 month check up.  The bonus side of this--- neither of them had to get shots this time around.  Jefferson loves the pediatrician so that makes visits a lot less dreadful.  First up was Miss Addison.  She is almost 28 inches tall and 16.5 pounds.  She is a light weight.  I wasn't all that surprised considering she has been crawling for over a month, has been pulling up to standing for nearly the same amount of time, and walking along furniture for about three weeks.  She has to keep up with Jefferson.  Nonetheless, the doctor wants her to beef up some so I have to take her back in for a weight check in 6 weeks. In other news, Addison loves to feed herself.  We have to put food that she can feed herself with on her tray while we feed her her solids.  We trade off bites and that keeps her happy.  Last night she ate nearly a whole slice of apple and had no problem with it.  She doesn't like things too sweet- she prefers apples and carrots and pears and butternut squash.  We are still working of the whole sippy thing.  We have gotten her to take a bottle so we'll probably have to transition from that.  Jefferson went straight from breast to sippy.  She jabbers and blabbers all day long.  In fact, I woke up at 6:20 this morning to lots of giggles and jabbering.  Jason went in to investigate and found Jefferson in the crib with Addison having a grand old time tickling and playing.  She is fascinated with toilet paper, loves to play with Jefferson's cars, is really good at naps and sleeping through the night, and snuggling.  We love her so much.

Jefferson was second and loved the attention.  He got to be a pirate and get his eyes checked.  He did wonderfully and got every single question right.  He is 41 inches tall and weighs in at 37 pounds.  He is average in both areas.  He loves to be outside all the time, playing cars and trains, watching Animal Atlas, putting on his shoes by himself, tricking Addison into doing things that she shouldn't do and then telling on her (what are big brothers for), making his bed, riding his tricycle, and helping with the dishes (he has his very own brush).  He is growing up so fast and it is great fun watching him come alive.  He loves to make up stories and games, dance and work his body (he always has a turn on the treadmill after I finish).  He is such a great little guy.  He is good with Addison, except when he is calling her STINKER.  He is completely healthy and bright.

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  1. Boo hoo! They are growing so much and we don't all get to hang out hardly ever. We are thinking about you all daily. Especially Addison is growing so fast because she is so young. We really miss that we can not be up there near and drop in from time to time. We love you all!
