Monday, July 23, 2012

One Year Old!!

My sweet, cute little pixie has turned one year old.  I can't believe how fast the time has gone.  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home and Jefferson was disgusted and called her a  monster.  Now Jefferson is a fabulous big brother and you won't find a girl that adores her big brother more than Addison.  She is a petite little thing, but only because she is constantly on the move.  This girl has been walking since 10 months and she frequently tries to run so she can keep up with Jeffers. She has figured out how to get off the couch and bed and she is a great climber, much to my frustration.  She sleeps fabulously at night-longer than her brother and still naps really well. She loves to laugh and play peek-a-boo, she catches on to things very quickly.  Parent goggles aside, I think she is a genius.  She has the sweetest dimples and charms everyone.  She is getting to be a better eater-thank heavens- and currently loves her whole milk.  Maybe that will add some poundage to this skinny girl.  She has six teeth and really likes to bite (I know, I know- my whole family is probably saying "like mother, like daughter").  She is such a joy in our family.

One her birthday we played games and just had some fun.  Jason had gone on a camping trip with the scouts the night before so we had to wait until he got home to start the festivities.  Addi got a package from Grandma Thomas and was excited to open it.  She got two really cute outfits and some bath toys, which Jefferson immediately confiscated ( I promise we are working on the sharing thing).
From us she got a couple books- I have been so excited for her birthday because now that I have a girl I can buy the fun girly books, like Olivia and Fancy Nancy, etc- Jefferson won't take those away from Addison.  She also got play food and some play kitchen pots, pans, dishes, etc.  She loves to play with them.  She is constantly walking around with a large spoon and stirring things.  It is fun to watch.
Of course, she had a grand time playing with the wrapping paper.
On to the cake.  I swear, one of these days I will have a kid that actually likes to get messy.
A fan of cake, she is not!!

The day before her birthday my mom came up to go out to lunch with us and give Addi her presents.  We had such a great time and Addison discovered chocolate milk.  It was a hit.  She got a cute dress and her very first baby doll.  It came with a blanket and a bottle and Addison has been very careful about setting her doll down, covering her with the blanket, and feeding the baby.  She is such a cute girl.

I can't wait to see how she grows in the year to come!!
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